Kisha Tyrrell
I wanted to create a brand that represents hope, healing, and renewal. A few years ago, I lost someone really close to me. He was my friend, my soulmate. We had dreams of raising our son and living this fabulous life. However, cancer had other plans. When he died, I suddenly became a single mom and I went into overdrive, taking care of my son, making sure mentally, emotionally, and physically he was being supported. Busy, exhausted, being pulled in all directions became my normal. Responsibilities and demands in life took over, I took my skincare rituals for granted.
As someone that always said ‘yes’ to everyone and everything, it was quickly taking its toll on me. I noticed that I looked just as tired and exhausted as I felt. I have never really had any issues with my skin so when I saw breakouts and experienced dryness, I asked myself what is really going on. The stress of it all was showing up on my skin. I needed to figure out what I truly needed to thrive. I was not making my ‘holistic approach’ to self-care a priority.
Healing, stillness and gratitude inspired me to fall back in love with taking care of my skin, body and spirit. So I focused on what made me feel good and when I did that more good showed up. Skincare showed me that self-care shouldn’t be a tough decision. And from that, Enzuri Beauty was created. I embarked on a quest to discover luxury skincare that caters to the unique issues affecting women – uneven skin-tones, loss of elasticity, dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles.

I love all things skincare and I truly believe that you are the best version of yourself when you embrace what makes you unique. I love that I can encourage women to think differently about how they care for their skin. Everyone deserves to feel and look their best. I always say that beautiful skin is a lifestyle.
Beauty fosters a sense of community, so my way of serving is to help elevate the way women care for their skin and overall well-being.